TRAFFIC ALERT - Sussex County - Closure of Closure of Mt. Zion Road between Seaford Road and Sussex Highway
Closure of Closure of Mt. Zion Road between Seaford Road and Sussex Highway
Laurel - ; The Delaware Department of Transportation announces the closure of Mt. Zion Road between Seaford Road and Sussex Highway starting on Monday, July 8th through Friday, July 26th (weather permitting) for the replacement of a cross road pipe.
Detour - Motorist wanting to travel east on Mt. Zion Road will continue north on Seaford Road, turn right onto Oneal Road, turn right onto US 13, returning to Mt. Zion Road.
Motorist wanting to travel west on Mt. Zion Road will continue north on US 13, make U-turn north of Oneals Road, turn right onto Oneals Road, turn left onto Seaford Road, returning to Mt. Zion Road.
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